Coat of Arms Plaques with History Scroll and the origins of heraldry. Currently families residing in Canada, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, United States and various other parts of the world are researching their family’s history in an effort to pass some of the history to the next generation and commemorate their ancestors. Do you know where your surname originated? Interested in your family history? If yes, then one of the easiest places to start researching is on the internet as Family Coat of Arms has caught the interest of an enormous range of nationalities.

This concept came into being in the 12th century. This was the era of Crusades. A new way of identifying knights had to be developed, as the armor covered the knights from head to toe, making it difficult for their friends or enemies to recognize them. The way was to paint a marking on the knight’s shield, which was easily visible.
Double Coat of Arms Plaques
Now, people could make out who was who in the battlefield. These markings were also painted on the knight’s tunic, which was worn over the armor. From this came the term (coat.), Moreover, the markings were given when a knight got the right to bear arms, hence, the term (coat of arms.) The markings were also given to servants of the household.
Coat of Arms was only awarded to an individual, not the family. So, there are chances that a coat of arms was given to some knight bearing your surname centuries ago. This trend started out as a simple marking. The later generations made some variations to the marking to instill their own creativity. When marriages took place, the coat of arms of two different family lines was combined. Some people regard Heraldry with suspicion and they can be a little reluctant to believe that one can actually dig into the past to find out his or her ancestors. You’d be surprised to know that about 90 percent of the names researched online has a coat of arms under their family names.
Family Crest Rings
About Coats of Arms and Heraldry is part of our great heritage in Europe and because of emigration has extend to the four corners of the globe. Without going to deep into the human mind, there is no doubt that family crests, coats of arms and blazons appeals to some basic and deep rooted sense of belonging in mankind. We still hanker after the romance and chivalry of bygone days when knights would swan around adorned with fluttering pennons, armed with swords and clad in armor (armour) from head to toe. The shields were adorned with the armorial bearings, which would be the means of identification of the particular knight. Double Coat of Arms with the option of being able to display a special date, like a wedding date or anniversary date.
The coats of arms family crest rings and family crest plaques make interesting gifts.