How to Become a Marine, a question often asked by military minded people. If you are a young and struggling to find the money for college. You might want to consider joining the Marine Corps. Joining the Marines is a great career choice as the training comes with many funding options. There is a 4-year college degree program that you can avail of. Once you have graduated from college many paths will be open to you
In order to be able to join, you will have to be at least 17 years old. This is at the time of the enlistment but not older than 29. You will also need to acquire a high school diploma. A proof of legal residence may be required and you will have to pass a physical examination as well. There are many different ways of how to become a Marine. If you are only upon finishing high school, you have four different options available.
Marines & Training
The first one is the PLC which requires you to be at least 17 years old and to have received a high school diploma or be an enrolled freshman. They will require a 1000 on your SAT and to have obtained OCS and to be working towards getting BA or BS. For OCC which is another option you have to be at least 18 years old and a college senior or graduate. Your third option is NROTC. This last option requires you to be at least 17 years old and a college senior or graduate. It also requires you to complete six weeks of OCS and to obtain a BA or BS.
Your fourth option with education with the Marines is the U.S. Naval Academy which is open to application for any high school seniors or graduates who are over the age of 17. There is a competition for the available spaces. You are going to be able to receive a BA or BS and your tuition will be fully funded in return for and active-duty service obligation after graduation.
Marine Corps San Diego
In order to be enlisted, you are going to have to undergo a recruit training in MCRD Parris Island, or MCRD Sand Diego too.The physical examination is the combination of three different physical tests. Two of which you will have to take each year. The first test is an Initial Strength Test. They are going to require you do three different exercises. If you are a male, you will have to be able to do at least two pull-ups.
If you are a female, you will have to be able to do a flexed-arm hang for at least 12 seconds. Both males and females need to be able to do at least 44 crunches. This is in the time period of two minutes in order to pass the IST. Males and females are going to be required to complete a running test of the same distance. All males need to be able to complete the 1.5 mile run within 13:30 minutes to be able to pass the test. All females need to be able to complete the distance in 15 minutes.
How To Become A Marine & The Fitness Test
The second test you are going to be required to pass is the Physical Fitness Test. Every member of the Marine Corps is required to pass this annual test. This will ensure that all members maintain an excellent physical condition regardless of rank and age. The test consists of a timed run of three miles. Marines are required to complete within 28 minutes if you are a male or 31 minutes if you are a female. You are going to be required to do crunches in a two minute time limit. Pull-ups or flexed-arm hangs are also required. You can find a helpful guide on how to train for the PFT in the Marines` website.
After the Marine Corps Training you are required to take the Combat Fitness Test. This is mostly focused on situations that can occur on the battlefield. You are going to be assessed in a points based system depending on your performance. The maximum number of points you can receive is 300 and there are minimum levels of points set for each different part of the test. This applies for both male and female Marines.
Joining the Marines is a beautiful and rewarding challenge where you can serve your country and community with your strength and determination. If you decide to serve in the Marine Corps you will get to wear your Marine Corps rings along with your fellow troops. Semper fi to all who decide on this very rewarding career.
Family crest rings and other marine corps gifts are available for active and retired